
Нашето училище работи по международен проект „Еразъм“ + „Developing educational techniques starting from regional context“ -/„Разработване на образователни техники, като се започне от регионален контекст“, 2019-1-RO01-KA201-063189./ в партньорство с училища от Румъния, Турция, Полша и Италия.

Partners’ and projects’s presentation

This site was designed to host didactic materials from two international projects included into Erasmus+ program.

During 2016-2018, eight schools from Europe were involved in good practice exchanges and the implementation of new teaching methods using trans and inter curricular teaching.

Starting with 2019-2021 the biggest part of the partners involved decided to establish a new partnership based on their prevoius good cooperation and to continue their common work by adding new topics and by developing other working materials that implements the same trans and inter curricular method. In the second partnership, new schools were added for their working experience and for bringing a new perspective to project goals.

Developing educational techniques starting from regional context

Project’s goal:
Establishing a global strategy for schools for valuing local specific to all subjects, for creating new teaching resources that uses regional specific and promoting European values of tolerance, acceptance in valuing traditional heritage.
Target group:
-school teachers that are willing to adapt their teaching content to regional specific;
– pupils, age 12-13-14-15 years old, from regions and schools involved.
At the end of the project the teachers involved in this partnership will have a new set of working materials consisting in lessons scenarios, educational movies, interactive tests on educational platforms, adapted working sheets, portfolio’s content on specific topics. For schools involved this project will be a part of their internationalization plan, by establishing close contacts with schools from other countries and with schools from their region. The use of tablets,video-conferences and other new technology in didactical activities will lead to overcoming the 21st century needs and challenges. For teachers the project will mean a way of conceiving new teaching materials according to class needs and regional specific (labor markets, field trips, cooperation with other institutions like museums, botanical gardens, city library); obtaining personal development from the interactions with teachers from other teachers from different educational systems. For students involved, the project will contribute directly to their personal development with sessions about European programs destined for education, with a better understanding of theoretical training by offering the support from regional environment.

Project Activities:
A1) Interactive teaching starts from my community -period: from november 2019- april 2020. For this activity, partner school will post on twin-space: 1)lessons assistance on the implementation of local specific into school curriculum, 2)local cooperation with schools trainers on modern teaching techniques, 3)Examples of learning by discovery – visit to local museums, 4) Tolerance and respect- lessons for a better life- workshops plans, 5)We are different but we can be united- workshop to present regional specific of the schools involved;
A2) Students portfolios – active learning techniques . The main goal is to experiment good practice exchange consisting in materials for students personal portfolio as a learning resource. Period: may-september 2020.
A3) Local museums and local manufactories- a wonderful resource for learning. This learning event for students was conceived to exploit local specific to different school subjects and to demonstrate regional museums educational value.

A4) ”How to tell our stories” was a meeting dedicated to popular traditions, popular motifs and folk music.

       A5) Popular calendar around Europe . Meeitng topic was  popular traditions around the year long. Period:  May 2021.


A collection of materials will be available for all partners:

– interactive tests on Kahoot platform;
-school materials for tablets implementation into classrooms;
– a collection of scientific articles presented by external specialists in education,
-scientific article on the benefit of Etwinning platform on teachers works,
– Samples of didactic materials with examples from regional community,
– enriching students personal portfolio,
– new lessons scenario respecting project topic, lesson on local history, field-trip documentation, leaflets on regional cultural heritage, popular songs collection;
-leaflets with popular motifs explanations; leaflets with the presentation of popular costumes.

„Разработване на образователни техники, като се започне от регионален контекст“

Целта на проекта:

Създаване на глобална стратегия за училищата за оценяване на местните специфики за всички предмети, за създаване на нови учебни ресурси, които използват регионални специфики и насърчаване на европейските ценности на толерантност, приемане в оценяването на традиционното наследство.
Целева група:
– учители, които желаят да адаптират учебното си съдържание към регионалните специфики;
– ученици на възраст 12-13-14-15 години от участващите региони и училища.
В края на проекта учителите, участващи в това партньорство, ще разполагат с нов набор от работни материали, състоящ се от сценарии за уроци, образователни филми, интерактивни тестове на образователни платформи, адаптирани работни листове, съдържание на портфолио по конкретни теми. За участващите училища този проект ще бъде част от техния план за интернационализация, чрез установяване на тесни контакти с училища от други страни и с училища от техния регион. Използването на таблети, видеоконференции и други нови технологии в дидактическите дейности ще доведе до преодоляване на нуждите и предизвикателствата на 21 век. За учителите проектът ще означава начин за създаване на нови учебни материали според нуждите на класа и регионалните специфики (пазари на труда, екскурзии, сътрудничество с други институции като музеи, ботанически градини, градска библиотека); получаване на личностно развитие от взаимодействията с учители от други учители от различни образователни системи. За участващите студенти проектът ще допринесе пряко за тяхното лично развитие със сесии за европейски програми, предназначени за образование, с по-добро разбиране на теоретичното обучение чрез предлагане на подкрепа от регионалната среда.

Дейности по проекта:
A1) Интерактивното преподаване започва от моята общност -период: от ноември 2019 г. до април 2020 г. За тази дейност училището-партньор ще публикува в twin-space: 1) помощ при уроци за внедряване на местни специфики в училищната учебна програма, 2) местно сътрудничество с училища обучители по съвременни техники на преподаване, 3) Примери за учене чрез откриване – посещение на местни музеи, 4) Толерантност и уважение – уроци за по-добър живот – планове за семинари, 5) Ние сме различни, но можем да бъдем обединени – семинар за представяне на регионални специфични за участващите училища;
A2) Ученически портфолиа – техники за активно учене. Основната цел е да се експериментира обмен на добри практики, състоящ се от материали за личното портфолио на учениците като учебен ресурс. Период: май-септември 2020г.
A3) Местни музеи и местни фабрики – прекрасен ресурс за учене. Това учебно събитие за ученици беше замислено да използва местните специфики за различните училищни предмети и да демонстрира образователната стойност на регионалните музеи.

A4) „Как да разказваме нашите истории“ беше среща, посветена на народните традиции, популярните мотиви и народната музика.

A5) Популярен календар в Европа. Темата на срещата беше  популярните традиции през цялата година. Период:  май 2021 г.


Колекция от материали ще бъде достъпна за всички партньори:

– интерактивни тестове на платформа Kahoot;
-училищни материали за внедряване на таблети в класните стаи;
– сборник с научни статии, представени от външни специалисти по образование,
-научна статия за ползата от платформата Etwinning върху работата на учителите,
– Образци на дидактически материали с примери от регионалната общност,
– обогатяване на личното портфолио на учениците,
– нов сценарий за уроци, съобразен с темата на проекта, урок по местна история, документация за екскурзии, листовки за регионалното културно наследство, колекция от популярни песни;
-дипляни с обяснения на популярни мотиви; листовки с представяне на народни носии.

Първа работна среща – гр. Истанбул, Турция

В училището в гр. Истанбул, Турция се проведе работна среща, на която участниците в проекта обсъдиха предстоящите дейности по проекта. Партньорите – домакини посрещнаха делегациите от международния проект с много топлина и приятелски чувства. Показаха ни училището и забележителности в града.

Втора работна среща – гр. Деж, Румъния

От 2 до 7 февруари 2020г. имахме работна среща в град Деж , Румъния.  От нашето училище участваха 2 учители и 5 деца. Бяхме сърдечно посрещнати в гимназия „Аврам Янку“, в град Деж.

Първият ден беше препълнен със събитията: разглеждане на училището, запознанство с нашите партньори, открити уроци и интересни презентации. Имахме „Среща лице в лице“. Тя беше предназначена за обмен на добри практики с ученици и учители. Всички партньори присъстваха на срещата с екипи от петима ученици и двама учители. Училището представи  международни уроци, като  започнахме от малки туристически посещения. Имахме пет основни семинара по следните теми:

– „Кръгът – предизвикателство и източник на вдъхновение“ – междукласен урок по математика и културни символи,

– „Етнически ценности на общността, в която живеем“ –  урок по чужди езици и комуникация, а и местна история,

-„Историите на съвременните нации„ – урок по история и гражданско образование,

-„География с малки или големи стъпки“ – междуконтинентален географски урок,

-„Сини очи експеримент“ – консултативен урок за насърчаване на толерантно отношение към етносите.

Посетихме красивия град Клуж. Имахме екскурзия в Солна мина и Музей на локомотиви. Всичко беше много интересно и видяхме много нови, атрактивни неща.



Какво видяха и споделиха за срещата нашите ученици и учители:

От 02.02.2020 г. до 02.08.2020 бяхме в град Деж, Румъния. През първия ден, Румънските домакини ни показаха своето училище и играхме на разбиване на лед игри за опознаване. Имахме голяма забава. Представители от всички държави представиха своя град и училище, както и тяхното лого за проект. Всички лога бяха много красиви и презентациите бяха интересно. Имаше приятно посрещане за нас, гостите. Имаше хоро програма с народни и съвременни танци. Нашите домакини се представиха страхотно. На следващия ден отидохме в  музей на влаковете близо до Деж. Беше много интересно. Видяхме локомотиви и
вагони с различни размери. Ние имахме възможност да влезем в някои локомотиви и вагони. Беше много интересно. След това  отидохме отново на училище, където играехме различни образователни игри и имаше урок по математика. Всичко децата работи усилено. На третия ден посетихме гр Алба Юлия. Градът беше невероятно. Посетихме някои много интересни църкви и исторически музеи там. След това отидохме в едно
училище в Алба Юлия. Там учителите ни разделиха на отбори и всеки отбор трябваше да представят историята на държавата и нейната Конституция. Отново нашите домакини се представи страхотно. На
четвърти ден посетихме солта мини край Деж. Видяхме как  солта се пакетирана. След това се разхождахме  в центъра гр. Деж. Посетихме Историческия музей и няколко интересни църкви. Следобед се върнахме
училището, където получихме сертификати за нашето участие в проекта. Много се забавлявахме. Петият,  последен ден ние отиде в Клуж-Напока. Там посетихме най-старата библиотека и колекция от малки книжки.
Колекцията беше страхотна. аз се надявам, че нашите партньори направиха всичко, за да харесваме страната им и да прекараме страхотно време заедно.

Ива Латинова,
15 СОУ „Адам

15 High School „Adam Mitskevich“, Sofia, Bulgaria


My school trip in Romania

My trip in Romania was great. We arrived in Dej and we went to the sport centre in the city.  The next day we went to the school named “Avram lancu”.  The school was interesting. I met students from Italy, Turkey, Poland and Romania. The students were very friendly. We visited two beautiful cities in Romania,  Alba Julia and Cluj Napoca. Students and teachers had a trip to  the salt mine and they gave me two kilograms salt. The workshops were very funny and interesting. My favourite part of the trip was in Cluj Napoca. The city is big and was very beautiful. The library in the city was great. My trip was very interesting and funny and I liked it very much.

 Daniel Kutev-6 grade ,Sofia.


I visited the second biggest town in Romania-Cluj( Napoca ). Our partners’ school was in Dej. The town is  beautiful and really interesting. I saw different places. I saw the sights and buildings. One museum of old trains was really big and very interesting for me. I was impressed of salt mine. There we  saw how people made salt and  package it. They were really kind and gave to us two kilograms salt. Romanian meal is  very delicious ,we liked it very much. The students showed us  traditional costumes  and a great concert. At school  their children wore uniforms. We spoke in English all the time and made a lot of new friends. This holiday was wonderful for me.

 Maya Vasileva

15 High school  „Adam Mitskevich“, Sofia


Romania, 2-8-th of February 2020

Hi, my name is Denis and I will tell you about my experience in Romania.

Day 1-The first day was really interesting. We had breakfast, it was delicious, then we went to the school and we were there all day. So we met together all partners .This day we were very busy,sometimes we had breaks  when we were tired. We saw a great concert, there were dances, rock, solos and a lot more.

Day 2- The second day we went to the train museum in Dej, we were looking at old, new  trains, we even climbed on the one!  After that  we went to the school back and we had a math lesson. We had pieces of paper on our chairs and we had to get every pieces from the same color [mine was orange] and we saw our task. Everyone had a different task and it was funny and interesting.

 Day 3- The third day we went to Alba lulia  . At about 8 o clock we started the trip to the city, then after at 11:00 we were in the city. We started our tour from the center to the main streets. We went to lunch and after that we visited  the school in the city. We had some kind of history lesson and we had to write everything for the country we were in. Then we went to the bus and we got back to Dej. We took really good photos there!      Day 4- On the fourth day we went to the salt mine but unfortunately we weren’t able to enter because it was of some problems in  this mine. We went inside and we saw how the machines work and how the salt was packaged. They had 2 types of salt: fine salt and a little bigger one. There were a lot of salt blocks . There was a train which took salt  to parts of Romania and even to  other countries. After we were done with the mine we went to look around Dej for a few hours. After that we went to the school   and we had to present our country, everyone did it  great. And last we had a really cool party for 4 hours. Everyone had a great time. When our party ended we went to the other party which was at the restaurant. We had a lot of  cookies  and a cake. This was the best day because all students  had an amazing party together  .

Day 5- The last day we went to the school for the last time [ we were so sad] and we did some kind of a game where you spin a wheel and whatever it stops on you read it. It was about culture and other things about Romania. We said goodbye to all teachers,  students and all people  from Dej.

And we started our trip to Cluj-Napoca and when we got there we were walking in the park, we had some food . And then came thelast day  of our staying   in  Dej . That night we had a ‘’selfmade party’’ with everybody who want .

Day 6- the last day. We had to get up at 7a.m. and to say „Good bye“ for the last time, we were a bit sad. We got on the bus but our friends  from Poland were on a different bus ..    Now  I think  that  our meeting in Romania  was great and   all people were nice and  kind ! Thank you very much  !!!

Denis Klinchev, Sofia, Bulgaria


Трета работна среща – гр. Люблин, Полша

Какво видяха и споделиха за срещата участниците в проекта:



Memories from C3 meeting: „Local museums and manufacturing workshops – a wonderful source of learning“

Avram Iancu Secondary School, Dej, Romania

My Polish experiences through the Erasmus project

The experience that I got from this learning trip was absolutely wonderful. I met new people that I will never forget and I’m really glad we can still in touch with each other. We visited beautiful places and we had a lot of fun. The hosts were extremely nice, helpful and welcoming, the other participants were very friendly and extremely funny.

Of all the beautiful places I visited, my favorite was Poland’s town, known for its   grain trade, Kazimierz. It looks like a city out of story books.  The buildings looked like they were made of gingerbread with richly decorated facades, and the streets seemed taken out of cartoons, with their old river stone pavement.

I really didn’t imagined that such a beautiful place existed, with such an extraordinary history as that of Kazimierz. Vistula River, the navigation lane to the whole Northern Europe, facilitated the trade and contributed to the production capacity of the manor plain it crosses. To this day, the grain storage silos owned by important families of merchants are preserved. From the outside, the beautifully decorated facades in Renaissance style seem to be important institutions, you wouldn’t think those are silos. However, that effort for ornaments was not in vain, considering that the facade of the building was a testimony to the prosperity of the merchant and could influence commercial transactions. Every place visited in Poland was unique and extremely nice but Kazimierz surpasses them all.

I don’t think I will ever forget this trip in the “Erasmus” project 2019-1-RO01-KA201-063189. It’s an experience that brings a smile to your face, just by thinking about it. The teachers who accompanied us were always beside us, they helped us in the moments when we needed and supported us during learning workshops,therefore we thank them for this. I will not forget the bus routes, I will not forget the jokes and most importantly I will not  forget my friends from Poland, Italy and Turkey.

This experience has been an unforgettable one, which I hope as many children as possible will enjoy.

Ștefania Feșteu, VI A grade,

Avram Iancu Lower Secondary School, Dej, Romania

Thoughts about places and people

For me, it was the first time when I left the country as a member of an, Erasmus+’’ project. It was an unforgettable experience, which I hope that many people from different schools could and will enjoy. The people that hosted us in their school for a few days behaved incredibly nice with us and welcomed us with so much warm in their souls. The students from the Military High School named XXVII LO im. Zeslancow Sybiru from Lublin cooperated with us and they helped us when we needed information about the place where we were visiting or anything else from the project workshops. We visited so many beautiful places witch I do not think I would have ever visited, but more importantly we had by our sides partners from different schools, beautiful people that I met in Lublin.

A special place, which mostly captured my attention and caught my eye and even rose my interest for history, art and international politics was the town of Zamonsc. This town has a remarkable history, being private, founded by a Polish noble who was close to the king of Poland. Few days before we visited the town, I discovered the portrait of Jan Zamoiski in the art gallery from the Art and Local History Museum from Lublin and I found details about his contribution to the Polish kingdom’s success.

The reason the settlement is so important in the view of Polish people, over the centuries is the fact that the fortress of Zamonsc was never conquered in wars. The urban architecture is unique, the buildings which form the town are placed according to the human body parts. In Zamonsc everything is beautiful: the buildings facades, the city squares, the defense walls, the cathedral, the synagogue, the houses, the Science Academy, the museums, and especially the people, who are the true keepers of the treasure.

The students from Poland, Italy and Turkey were people that I could never regret meeting there and I am happy because I had the opportunity to stay connected with them after the end of this chapter of   ,, Erasmus+’’ project even if are more than 1000 kilometers between us.

I am extremely happy and grateful because I had the opportunity to be in that project and I will never regret that I accepted the request to go to Lublin for one week.                                              Iasmina Magurean, student in 8th  A                            “Avram Iancu” Lower Secondary School, Dej, Romania

Erasmus experiences: Insights from a visit to a concentration camp from Majdanek, Lublin, Poland

The Partnership for the Exchange of Good Practices in the field of Education 2019-1-RO01-KA201-063189 gave me the opportunity to visit Poland with a team of students and teachers from our school.

In Poland, we experienced an unforgettable welcome reception: memorable learning activities, a pleasant atmosphere of cooperation, lively interactions with students of our age and exciting visits to historical and tourist attractions of great significance, to name just a few.

One of the most shocking and striking experiences was visiting the Nazi concentration camp at Majdanek, in the suburbs of Lublin. At the entrance, when I grasped the proportions of the settlement, I became aware that this place had a great significance in Poland’s history and the whole of Europe.

The camp is located on a smooth hill with a vast expansion. The surface is surrounded by electric fences. All around the place, there were numerous guard and observation towers built to stop the Jews, Polish people, war prisoners, and political prisoners from escaping.

I had the sensation that the number of barracks would never come to an end.  The fact that thousands of people ate, slept, and lived or ended their lives excruciatingly made me aware of how cruel history can be.  Majdanek was built from 5 detention fields, 20 barracks, workshops, a triage zone, a vegetable garden for housekeeping and a crematory. In addition to these, I need to mention the administrative buildings for more than a thousand German soldiers involved in guarding the objective.

Inside each barrack, there were innumerable bunk beds with a thin blanket for each person. These were made of a plank with a single layer of wood and did not have any heating system. Prisoners had to resist the harsh environmental conditions in those wood barracks, thinking that in winter, in Poland, temperatures frequently reach -25ºC.

The Nazis decided who lived or not, so if someone’s sentence was death, he or she would end up in the gas chamber, then turned into ashes, to be thrown into the ground.  There were so many people killed that they had no space to bury them intact.

We also visited the shack where the prisoners’ slippers were requisitioned. I saw thousands of slippers of those who were interned in the camp. They were different sizes and models, from small children who were left without families to old people who lived their youth in freedom until they got into the hands of the Nazis.

It’s astounding how even after all these events, the concentration camp at Majdanek was kept so well over the years, so that we could understand all the atrocities that took place in that place.

Erasmus offered me the invaluable opportunity to see a part of our continent’s history, understand that history must not be repeated, and learn the lesson of tolerance.

I am grateful and elated for this indelible experience! I will never forget the city of Lublin, where I learned Polish, collaborated with different people for school activities, and made new friends. I hope to have the opportunity to get to Lublin with my family to show them how beautifully a city hundreds of years old has been preserved!

Djin doble Poland, djin doble Lublin!

Mădălina Nemeti

Student in eighth grade

,,Avram Iancu” Middle School

 My Erasmus experience

The Erasmus+ Project developed by our school has managed to create some wonderful memories that I will never forget. I left my country for the first time, and I don’t regret anything at all.

While I was in Poland, I had the opportunity to meet amazing people, open and communicative, respectful and understanding! I had the chance to discover new places and extraordinary facts loaded with historical significance.

Our hosts from Poland, the military high school XXVII LO im. Zeslancow Sybiru, proved to be extremely hospitable and respectful, always willing to help you. The teachers, too, were extremely understanding. I laughed a lot with them! All the participants formed a team with which you would like to spend your days forever.

The remarkable historical sights and landmarks we visited in Poland left an indelible mark on us! The interesting but sad stories of Majdanek, the houses of Kazimierz that looked like they were depicted from some cartoons, the Village Museum, and the beautiful old houses gave us insights into how they lived back then.

Traditional Polish food is very delicious and worth a try! Everything I ate was tasty, and I was always sad when I finished everything on my plate just because I no longer had the chance to take a mouthful!

I befriended my colleagues in the project very quickly! Poland, Romania, Italy, Turkey, seemed the same community because we have a lot in common! The humour, the style of music we listen to, etc. are details that make us compatible. It was interesting to learn something about the culture of other countries.

This journey is one that I will never forget! I’m glad I had the opportunity to see so many exciting places and meet extraordinary people. I already miss those moments!

Tudor Ciceu, 8 C grade student,

Avram Iancu Lower Secondary School, Dej, Romania

XXVII LO im. Zeslancow Sybiru w Lublinie,

My impression of the students from Romania, Italy, Turkey  were for sure positive. On the first day, they showed us great leaflets about their countries, traditions and some interesting facts. They presented it nicely and I was completely astonished at their fluent English. Everyone had a chance to speak up about their country which was a great thing. Our meeting was well – organized and each person learned something useful. I am really glad I had the opportunity to meet people from different parts of the world. It was really encouraging and instructive. I had also the chance to go on a trip to Zamosc with them which was another nice experience. We were sightseeing the city and acquiring knowledge. We got to know this town from the beginning of its history. I am greatful for those meetings and as well as for the opportunity to learn such interesting things.

     Natalia Kępka, 3cp

On October 19th our school welcomed students participating in Erasmus+ program from Romania, Turkey and Italy. There were also Bulgarians online. Our meeting started with a presentation of the leaflets prepared ealier by the students from every participating country and a small trip around the school. We discussed the differences between our schools and some interesting cultural behaviours or facts. In my opinion this unusual experience and the knowledge we acquired from our guests can be really useful in our future life. I can’t wait for the future meetings, and I hope I’ll be able to participate in next Erasmus+ projects.

Dominik Łuć, 3cp

Our adventure with Erasmus+ exchange students started with preparing a presentation in a form of a leaflet about our city. Then we had to present it to our  guests from other countries. In the beginning my classmates and me worked out a presentation plan as well as a leaflet. We wanted to describe our wonderful city of Lublin in as many details as possible. Our presentation was divided into several parts so as to discuss in detail the most beautiful parts of the city and its history.We welcomed the students from Romania, Turkey, Italy and Bulgaria (on-line) at our school. I found their presentations and leaflets very interesting and they encouraged me to visit their homelands. The participation in the project motivated me a lot. It was such an unforgettable adventure that I’m looking forward to meeting them again.

Maja Cieplińska, 3cp

             The arrival of the people involved in the Erasmus project to our school was a very nice experience and I think everyone enjoyed it.

             The students and the teachers as well were very interested in the way the lessons in different subjects were conducted at our school.

       Although I felt a little bit nervous while presenting our leaflet in front of them all, I think it was worth an effort. I’m grateful I had the chance to meet students from different countries. I learned so much.

Piotr Majewski, 3cp
Bagcilar Mustafa Kemal Ortaokulu.

            When we first arrived in Poland, one of the things that caught our attention was that everyone was smiling, courteous, polite and well-behaved. As we could see streets, squares, parks, etc.  were kept very clean. In addition, special attention was paid to nature. When we visited the churches, beautifully crafted motifs greeted us. People were not afraid to talk, they loved to help. One of our favorite parts was the Majdanek concentration camp. We had learned about the history of Poland and understood how to learn from these dark times. There were millions of people killed, tortured and many more for a piece of land. The place that attracted our attention and we were sad was the part where the shoes were. Because every shoe there represents a hope and is taken away from them. In the Old Town, the Virgin Mary painting above greeted us. When we entered, there were restaurants and historical buildings. In short, these were our impressions. If we had another chance, we would gladly come again to Poland.


         When we came to Poland, the first thing that caught our eye was that the places were clean and people took care of nature. Parks, gardens, squares, streets were all clean. People were very kind, smiling and well mannered. None of the people hesitated to talk, and they came to us and chatted, and they liked to help a lot. But this is the good part. Unfortunately, the Polish had to suffer a lot in their time. We noticed this when we toured one of our favorite parts, Majdanek Concentration camp. Lots of people were murdered in those concentration camps. We saw the shoes of a lot of people who were killed there, representing the hope. But still, people forgot these dark days and embraced the future happily. In addition, the country had a very clean air and a city design that kept people comfortable. Their city had a great historical past. And it had an atmosphere that immerses you in that history. When we visited the churches, we saw many different paintings, motifs and sculptures. We also saw pictures of the Virgin Mary and the Prophet Jesus. When we entered the Old Town, restaurants and various historical buildings greeted us. These were our brief impressions of our trip. If we have the opportunity to go to Poland again, I would definitely like to go.


        First of all, from the first moment I got on the plane, the people around us were smiling, cheerful and kind people. On the first day in Warsaw the Collegium Civitas building looked very majestic. I think it was the best Building I’ve ever seen there. Among the other historical places we visited was the majdanek Nazi concentration camp, which we liked very much. It was there that one of the darkest periods in history had passed. Hundreds of thousands of people were killed for nothing. Secondly, it was the Old Town. It was a very cute place. The most beautiful parts of Poland were the streets were really clean, the traffic rules were followed and many similar features. We were gaining more and more experience with Poland day by day, and we started to like it more and more every day. These were my thoughts in a nutshell. I hope one day we will have such an experience again. If they asked me if I would like to attend such an event again, I would accept without hesitation.

Muhammet Emin YILDIRIM

Istituto Comprensivo Salvatore Casella, Pedara, Italia

         Hello everyone. I am Gabriele Cicciarella, an Italian student of ICS Casella.

This year I, with my teachers and a classmate, left for Poland for the Erasmus + project and it was a fantastic adventure. We visited both Warsaw and Lublin. In Warsaw we visited: the government building; the Chopin Benches, distributed in a street that play a melody by the musician; the football stadium where the Polish national team plays; the museum dedicated to Niccolò Copernico;we had a nice walk along the Vistulariver.

In Lublin we visited: the main square,where there is a portal that virtually connects Lublin to Vilnius; the old Town. We slept in a “bewitched hotel”. Inside, the lift brought back a fourth floor, which did not exist, and during the night the television was turned on in my room. We also went to school. With Turkish, Romanian and Polish students we visited interesting and sad places at the same time: like the concentration camp and the old city. We did pleasant activities such as a visit to the museum, a trip to an open-airvillage and a trip to a field.

With this project I discovered that in Poland the people eat mainly soup, another typical dish is Pierogi, but one evening we ate a really good pizza. I liked some types of soup, some I didn’t. Pierogi are ravioli that can be fried or steamed. During this trip we met new people and made friends with them. I recommend everyone, if possible, to participate in an Erasmus project, both to improve their English and to make new friends!

Gabriele Cicciarella 3B

     My impression of this trip? Well, it’s certainly not a simple question.

I really like traveling, getting on a plane and setting off on an adventure to discover new countries, get to know different cultures and traditions and above all make new friends … traveling is this and much more! Having had the opportunity to do it for the Erasmus experience made it all more beautiful.

Erasmus is not just going to another country and speaking in English: Erasmus is a life experience that enriches you socially and culturally. I am already thinking about when I’ve grown up and I could say that I have had such an experience.

This trip was wonderful for several reasons: the teachers were perfect in everything and for everything; I was able to improve my English; I met wonderful people that I will never forget!

I enjoyed the activities at the school, especially the lesson in Polish. One of the things that we don’t have and I really liked is the school canteen, it was great to be able to eat together all the time.

The daily excursions were wonderful, some were really meaningful; others made you enter an enchanted landscape as seen in the filmsfilms: the autumn leaves, the trees arranged in a row as if to create a path …

But what remains to me most of this experience are the wonderful people I met, the joy and the smile as soon as we met and the tears at the time of saying goodbye.

I will never forget this experience.

Anita Sgarlato    3A

Mersin Uğur Schools


I am Efe I am a student studying at Private Mersin Uğur Schools. When I was chosen as a participant in this project, I was more than happy.I was very excited to go abroad.I had quite an experience during my travel to Lublin.we had fun during the activities in school. I saw spectacular places and made good friends in there. Everybody was very kind and friendly to me. I saw those Nazi camps which I saw only in documentaries.I learned a lot. Malgorzata and her colleagues was very polite. I will never forget about Lublin and the wonderful memories in there.

Umit Efe Goktas, student in Mersin Uğur Okulları, Mersin/Turkey
15-th Adam Miskevich High-school, Sofia, Bulgaria
  •           My name is Iva Ilieva, from VI grade and I took part in the on-line meeting. It was in Lublin , Poland. We were 20 students  from different grades. We began to prepare for this Meeting 3 weeks before it. We made our presentations and some posters about Bulgarian traditions and heritage .

During the meeting it was interesting to understand about  different culture and traditions. I liked Polish lesson. It was funny to study some new words in Polish. But sometimes Internet connection was bad and we couldn’t see and hear well.

I hope in the future we can travel with my classmates and visit foreign countries and meet other children .

I think it is important to study English. And I am glad that I work in this project.  When I see my new friends from other countries, I can talk with them.

  •          It was a great experience! I really enjoyed it and even made a new friend while I was there! The meeting itself was really fun. Poland really has awesome traditions and the language itself was fun to practice. I was glad to take part in this online meeting. Thank you! I hope to see you one day!

Best regards, Bozhidara Zaharieva ,VI grade

Четвърта работна среща – гр. Мерсин, Турция

Проектът  „Как да кажа нашите истории”, част от международния Проект Еразъм+ „Развитие Образователни техники започвайки от регионалния контекст”, който се проведе в Мерсин, Турция между 22 и 27 февруари беше проведен онлайн за нашето училище, поради текущата ситуация на Ковид -19.

Какво видяха и споделиха за срещата нашите ученици и учители:

За първи път участвах в он-лайн Международна среща в Мерсин, Турция. Любимият ми урок беше ,,Роботика”, защото не съм виждал такъв вид урок като този. Беше много интересно за мен: какви роботи са изработени от ученици и техните учители. На мен не ми хареса, че участваме в тази среща онлайн. Но през този период нашата държава беше в ситуация Covid -19. Понякога интернет връзката беше лоша и не можехме  да виждаме и чуваме добре. Всички презентации бяха много добри и беше много интересно . Мечтая да посетя другите държави и да се срещна с ученици от този проект. Цялата среща беше много интересна и незабравима. Ще остане  фантастичен спомен за мен.

Виктор Ангелов, 6 клас,

15 СОУ „Адам Мицкевич“, гр. София,


Пета работна среща – гр. Падера, Италия, 16-21 май 2022 г.

Между 14 и 21 май имах удоволствието да изживея приключението да пътувам до Сицилия с г-жа Юлия Шивачева и ученици от нашето училище. Срещнах много прекрасни хора и създадох нови приятелства.

По време на престоя ми в Сицилия, видях много интересни места. посетих Ното, Катания. Възхищавах се на невероятна архитектура и история на тези места. Бях изумена от прекрасни пейзажи на вулкана Етна и великолепната Италианска антична архитектура.

Шеста работна среща – гр. София, България

Какво видяха и споделиха за срещата нашите партньори:

Sofia, Bulgaria, High-school no 15 „Adam Mitskevich“ C2 meeting: „My student portfolio helps me learn“

XXVII Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im. Zeslancow Sybiru w Lublinie, Lublin, Poland


On the 19th of June, me, my friends, and our teachers have started a trip to Sofia, Bulgaria for an Erasmus+ project. First days I spent with my group because the whole project started on 21st of June. Since the day one I met many new people and I’ve discovered a big part of Bulgarian culture. All guests were living in a hotel in Bankya where we were socializing with other students. The most interesting part of the trip was trips to other cities like Plovdiv and Koprivshitsa. I’m glad that I had an opportunity to take part in that project and I’m sure I won’t forget that experience for the rest of my life. That week was very inspiring, and the culture of Bulgaria was interesting for me.

Dominik Łuć

         In the last week of the school year I went to Bulgaria as part of the Erasmus+ project. I had been looking forward to this trip for a long time because for me Erasmus+ is a great idea for personal development, improving my language, meeting people from all over the world and having fun learning. It was a great opportunity to learn about the culture, people and customs of the country and visit beautiful places. The wonderful cities, museums and beautiful trails we visited were very interesting and worth seeing. We also learned a lot about Sofia through lessons in mixed groups. The participants from other countries ( Romania, Turkey, Italy and of course Bulgaria) were very nice and communicative, so we had a lot of fun and worked together. The exchange helped me to broaden my horizons. In my opinion, this amazing experience taught us a lot and I will definitely remember it for life.

Jan Dmochowski

               Two weeks ago, I was in Bulgaria. The weather there was really nice, so I visited many ii places e.g. Plovdiv and Koprivshitsa. These places were really inspiring to learn English more . Over there I met my friends from Turkey. I am grateful that I could participate in this project, because I met many intelligent and open-minded people. This project allowed me to get to know myself better and unlocked my barrier to speaking English.

Beata Kruk


Two weeks ago I was in Bulgaria with an Erasmus + project. The weather conditions in Bulgaria were rather favorable except maybe for one day. I lived in an Hotel in Bankya, which is a very nice town with a vibrant life all the time. I visited a lot of interesting places such as the National Museum in Sofia and the town of Plovdiv. This trip helped me a lot to open up and not be afraid to speak more English. Thanks to it I met very interesting and friendly people.

Joanna Podkańska

             Two weeks ago I visited Bulgaria as part of the Erasmus + project. The weather was beautiful and perfect for sightseeing. We had the opportunity to visit interesting places, including Plovdiv and Koprivshtitza. Working in international groups and not only have I had the opportunity to meet many people from other countries. This trip allowed me to unlock my language block and unforgettable experiences.

Amelia Teleon

„Avram Iancu“ Secondary School, Dej, Romania

Travel diary: mental snapshots of the sights and historical landmarks visited within Erasmus+ project (Bulgaria, 2022)

Ștefan Tollas, VII B grade  

            I would like to begin by confessing the fact that these days spent far away from home, surrounded by many ethnic groups, dialects and people from different corners of the world are and will remain one of the most beautiful and special experiences in my entire life.  

    I decided to describe to you the places that I visited during this project, starting with the host school, HIGH SCHOOL nr.15 „Adam Miskevici”. It is a modern school, every class having the latest technology aimed to help students learn easier and also have fun.  The people I met were polite, friendly and  organized a great welcoming meeting, with an unforgettable  music show.


Now I would like to present to you favourite places I had the opportunity to visit during my Bulgarian Erasmus+ mobility. By far my fafourite was THETHE CITY PLOVDIV  ause I was impressed by its architecture and rich history. I was also impressed by the mountain village KOPRIVSHTITZA, having the vibe of a place in Italy, despite the fact thathat it located in the heart of the Balkanic Mountains.

Another interesting fact is that HIGH SCHOOL Nr.78  is considered to be the biggest school in the Balkanic Peninsula. Honestly, it represents the perfect model of a school where  I and many other students would aspire to study.

           This ERASMUS+ experience offered me the unique occasion to find many things about places and people from Bulgaria and to connect with incredible people from other parts of the world. 

About Erasmus + hosts and my experience in Sofia

Mara Pop, V-th A grade student

         I recently joined an international partnership activity, carried out through the Erasmus + program. I’m still thinking about everything that happened to me. The school that hosted this meeting was High School no. 15 “Adam Mitskevich” from Sofia, Bulgaria. The hosts prepared for us many beautiful activities, I do not even know which was my favourite one, because each of them was highly interesting.

From the very beginning, we had a special welcoming event. Just before entering the host school, there was a wonderful concert with vocal performance numbers and folk dances. At the school entrance, two of the host students, dressed in folk costumes greeted us in a traditional way with bread and honey.

We walked around the school for a while. It looked absolutely fantastic. I really loved the fact that there were a lot of plants in the school, but something I particularly appreciated was a short play performed especially for us. It was about Bulgarian students and immigrants who become friends despite ethnic differences. Their classrooms were beautifully adorned with handmade decorations made by one of the teachers who teach there. The technical equipment of the school was impressive. It was the first time I saw augmented reality labs. 

             Beyond artistic shows, visits and official moments, Erasmus + means didactic activities, in other words, lessons or learning workshops. My favourite activity was that in which the whole international team was divided into a mixed group according to colours: red, green, yellow and blue. Each group received different tasks. We had to do a puzzle about the places we saw during our visits to the historic centre of Sofia. Each team received a tourist landmark about which we had to write a few details. I was on the green team. Our puzzle was a bit complicated, but we managed to finish it. My teammates were very nice, even if we were the penultimate team that finished. We didn’t really care to finish it quickly, we had a lot of fun! I think what made the activity special was the fact that we were different. 

This Erasmus + meeting was my first experience in this project and, to be honest, I was overwhelmed at how complex it was. The energy that people had was great. They really made you feel included. I know that for some, it’s hard to be away from home, and for me, it’s like that, but not this time. I didn’t have much time to think about it. I always talked to someone or just sang with friends while travelling. Many times we would think about what we can all do after returning to the teacher training center where we were accommodated. We formed new friendships, and now, even after the international mobility had ended, we kept in touch with each other.

I became aware that Erasmus + is a wonderful story about students and schools, about learning with other students from around Europe, demonstrating the values of the school in your country, about how beautiful it is to communicate with others, and about the special code of friendship that must thrive between people.

About Erasmus + hosts and my experience in Sofia 

            I recently joined an international partnership activity, carried out through the Erasmus + program. I’m still thinking about everything that happened to me. The school that hosted this meeting was High School no. 15 “Adam Mitskevich” from Sofia, Bulgaria. The hosts prepared for us many beautiful activities, I do not even know which was my favourite one, because each of them was highly interesting.

          From the very beginning, we had a special welcoming event. Just before entering the host school, there was a wonderful concert with vocal performance numbers and folk dances. At the school entrance, two of the host students, dressed in folk costumes greeted us in a traditional way with bread and honey.

We walked around the school for a while. It looked absolutely fantastic. I really loved the fact that there were a lot of plants in the school, but something I particularly appreciated was a short play performed especially for us. It was about Bulgarian students and immigrants who become friends despite ethnic differences. Their classrooms were beautifully adorned with handmade decorations made by one of the teachers who teach there. The technical equipment of the school was impressive. It was the first time I saw augmented reality labs.

Beyond artistic shows, visits and official moments, Erasmus + means didactic activities, in other words, lessons or learning workshops. My favourite activity was that in which the whole international team was divided into a mixed group according to colours: red, green, yellow and blue. Each group received different tasks. We had to do a puzzle about the places we saw during our visits to the historic centre of Sofia. Each team received a tourist landmark about which we had to write a few details. I was on the green team. Our puzzle was a bit complicated, but we managed to finish it. My teammates were very nice, even if we were the penultimate team that finished. We didn’t really care to finish it quickly, we had a lot of fun! I think what made the activity special was the fact that we were different.

  This Erasmus + meeting was my first experience in this project and, to be honest, I was overwhelmed at how complex it was. The energy that people had was great. They really made you feel included. I know that for some, it’s hard to be away from home, and for me, it’s like that, but not this time. I didn’t have much time to think about it. I always talked to someone or just sang with friends while travelling. Many times we would think about what we can all do after returning to the teacher training center where we were accommodated. We formed new friendships, and now, even after the international mobility had ended, we kept in touch with each other. 

I became aware that Erasmus + is a wonderful story about students and schools, about learning with other students from around Europe, demonstrating the values of the school in your country, about how beautiful it is to communicate with others, and about the special code of friendship that must thrive between people.

I learned a valuable lesson through a special context. I’m sure I’ll carry it with me for the rest of my life.

Aris Mureșan, VI D grade, ”Avram Iancu” Secondary School

Mersin Uğur Okulları, Mersin/Turkey


I was very excited to see a new country before going to Sofia. It was a very good experience for me to see different cultures, taste traditional dishes, and visit historical places. One of the biggest contributions of the erasmus + project to me is to make new friends. I have made great friends that I will never forget. I am really happy to know them. Even though our project is over, staying in touch and continuing our friendship tells me that this is not goodbye. I really enjoyed my week in Bulgaria. I was really happy to be aware of the fact that I added information to myself in the team work we did at school. Especially the fact that we did not speak our own language for a week and tried to communicate in English contributed to our knowledge of English. I must say that it connects me, who loves English very much, to English even more. Making public presentations strengthened my self-confidence and made me a more social person. When I look back, I will have memories that I will remember remember with happiness and longing.

İlke Eylul GENCER


2 weeks ago me, my friends and our teachers have visited Bulgaria. I can precisely say that it was one of my best experiences in my life.  Meeting new people, visiting historical places, getting know to new cultures… These were just one of the important things I could count. The activities were very well organized and compiled that we enjoyed a lot.  It was very beneficial to us to improve our English skills. We didn’t have any problems to get socialize and I personally think that this atmosphere was proper to get socialize. We were very intrigued to see new places in Bulgaria and our feelings had never changed until the last day of our trip. We all hope that we will have chance to see the quintessential places again in the future. We visited around, we had fun, we made new friends and get socialized simultaneously.

Duyguı ARKIS

Unforgetable Moments

It was a very good experience for me to see a new country and meet different people. we had a great time together. Speaking English other than our native language and trying to express ourselves really improved us. This experience is very important in our life. The erasmus+ project has given us new opportunities to express ourselves. I enjoyed visiting the historical places of Sofia. I had unforgettable times when I was in Bulgaria. And I’ve made friends that I want to keep in touch with from now on. When I remember my memories, my heart will be filled with happiness.

 Essİz Bengi KUREK

My impressions of Sofia:


I really enjoyed visiting another country and it was really fun. Sofia is a really beautiful city. I really loved the school. They were very kind to all of us. My favorite part was students singing and showing us the tradition of folk dance. Also I made lots of friends and I am still in contact with them.

  Oyku Gizem KUSMUS

My first impressions of Sofia

Everyting was great. It is a beautiful city and very modern. First we went to St. Alexander Cathedral. The interior design was so beautiful and ethereal. Then we visited other churches as well. Some important people  greeted us and gave us our certificates, the concert was great. Our trip to Plovdiv was magical. The buildings were old but I really admired them. We visited native houses in Koprivshtitsa. Their culture, clothes and furniture are really impressive. In conclusion I really loved this trip, the food and I would love to come here again.All the teachers and students in the host school were very hospitable and congenial.


Mustafa Kemal Ortaokulu, Bagcilar, Istanbul, Turkey

             First of all,the place we stayed in Bulgaria was very nice and clean. We didn’t have any problems there. Then we visited 2 schools. We saw the classes and learned what they did at school. I think it was pretty cool. We visited important places in Sophia and Plovdiv. We learned the history of the places we visited. We gathered at the teacher’s house and did activities. We did puzzeles,introduced ourselves and had a quiz. They made us very welcome there. The teachers there were very good. They were very well prepared. We had good days together.

Hamza from Istanbul Team

          We arrived in Bulgaria on Tuesday. We visited the high school in Bankya. The school was very nice. The students and the music teacher gave us a small concert. We visited the historical places of Sofia. Sofia was very beautiful. I liked the concert performed by the students very much. We visited the Bankya on Wednesday and had fun. We met students from different countries. We did a workshop with our teammates. We made a puzzle about the historical places of Bulgarista in the workshop. We had a festive dinner together on Thursday. We chatted together. We traveled on Friday and had fun. We left Bulgaria on Saturday. I would like to go to Bulgaria again. It is a very beautiful country.

Tanem from Istanbul Team

                  Among the places we visited, I think I liked the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral the most. The architecture of the cathedral was really beautiful. Likewise, I can say that I like the architecture of the national theater. It was rainy when we went to Plovdiv, so I didn’t look around much when we visited the old houses of Plovdiv, but the ethnography museum was really nice, I think the workshop we did was really fun and helped us socialize a lot.

Şevval from Istanbul Team

        Firstly, I am so happy to be in Bulgaria. İt really pleased me to see and know my neighboring country.  İ travelled around Sofia in general. And it was an advanced city. Also, some of the places I visited were similar to the places of my country. The places I remember the most were churches and schools. The performances in schools were telling about the culture of Bulgaria and it was very nice for this project. Speaking of explaining our culture, I intriouduced my country at the teachers house where I stayed. And I listened to the introduction of countries such as İtaly, Romania, Poland.

          After that, we played educational games. The teachers house was a nice place, except the rooms were small.

And finally, it was a nice project. İt helped ne to know and learn about countries. And the fun activites were pretty good too. That’s all i’m goint to say. İ hope I can participate in this project again.

Ebrar Ceren Yaylı from Istanbul team

            Hello, first of all, thank you for giving us such an opportunity. In this way, for the first time, we had the opportunity to spend time together with people from different countries.

We visited the historical places of Sofia. And I loved it so much. The place where we stayed was clean and comfortable. We had fun times in the workshop. We had the opportunity to meet other friends a place I would want to come and see if I have the opportunity again. Thank you again to everyone who gave us this opportunity.

Nazlı Demirel from Istanbul Team

Уроци от он-лайн срещи 

On line learning platform

  • This content was  created during the project: ”Developing educational techniques starting from regional context  2019-1-RO01-KA201-063189”, durring 2019-2022.

All educational systems and all educational politics have as a common base, the lesson sustained by trained teachers on diferent subjects towards ages homogenus study groups known as school grades. This simple aspect lead us to the conclusion that in order to accomplish an efficient transformation, we must act at lesson level.

This lessons collection has a large range variety of methods, focussed on flexibility and adaptation, using an alternation between didactic methods with accent on active participation next to a reach collection of teaching means or didactic instruments.  The contents we propose are meant to reconfirm students’ right to learn by active participation and the modern orientation of didactic strategies in partner schools.

  • 1. The circle as a challenge and an inspiration resource– lesson for 7 grade students.
    •  Contents involved: the geometric shape of circle, the radius, the diameter, the circomference.

Diana Rafa, teacher at Avram Iancu Secondary School, Dej, Romania


2. Lesson scenario Similar triangles – practic aspects

 Monica Izgărian, teacher at ”Avram Iancu” Secondary School, Dej, Romania

At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to: – recognize similar triangles; – use the fundamental theorem of similarity, Thales converse theorem, triangles similarity cases, formula corresponding to the ratio of the surfaces of similar triangles; – calculate dimensions and surfaces using triangles’ similarity.

  • 3. The convex cadrilators arround us– lesson for 7 grade students.

Contents involved: the area surface of  the paralelogram, the rectangle, the square, the circle, the rombus and the trapezoid.

Diana Rafa, teacher to Avram Iancu Secondary School

  • 4. The percentages:

Content for six grade students and seven grades students involving how to calculate the percentage of one number from another number, how to calculate a percentage from a number, how to calculate the number when you know a percentage from it.

Diana Rafa, teacher at Avram Iancu Secondary School

A small material that shows the importance of the percentages into practical situations.

  • 5. Arithmetic methodes to solve problems- lesson for 5 grade students.

Contents involved: unit reduction method, comparison method, graphic method and false assumption method applied in tasks involving Ocna-Dej Salt Mine activity.

By Diana Rafa, teacher at Avram Iancu Secondary School, Romania


6. A History lesson proposed by 15 High School”Adam Mitskevich”  for students from V and VI grade. Material created by Daniela Paruseva, teacher at lower secondary level.

The Bulgarian state and the capital city of Bulgaria

English lesson

7. Cities and towns

A lesson that exploit local specific applied into grammar, English language and communication, created by Yulia Shivacheva, teacher form 15 High school „ Adam Mitskevich ,Sofia for students from VII and VIII grade.

Math lesson

8. Sofia, my city

A mathematic lesson for fifth grade students. The   content regards rational number operations on tasks with numerical character, starting from details about the city of Sofia.

Created by: Miglena Vatkova, Maths  teacher at 15-th HIGH SCHOOL, “ADAM MITSKEVICH”, SOFIA, BULGARIA

Geography lesson

9. Geography lesson

for 5/6 grade students

A lesson on Bulgaria’s relief, human settelment and  hidrography, proposed by Sofia Nikolova, geography teacher at
15. High School, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Science lesson

Natural science lesson for 10 years old students:

10.  Nature and animals

The lesson starts form the highest mountain in Bulgaria, located near the city of Sofia.Students have the chance to speack about endemic plants and about fauna coresponding to this ecosystem.

Material created by Daniela Paruseva, teacher at lower secondary level.

Primary lessons

11. A lesson for personal development in primary schools. The material was designed for  second grade students dy Dalia Mureșan, teacher at ”Avram Iancu” Secondary School, Dej Romania.


12. Maternal language communication lesson for first grade students. Material created by Mihaela Sălătioan, teacher for primary education at Avram Iancu Lower Secondary School, Dej, Romania.

Learning the alphabet, consolidating the letters î and â.

English lesson

13. English vocabulary lesson for students from V and VI grade, created by Armanda Stroia, teacher at Avram Iancu Secondary School, Dej Romania:

Happiness stairway,

The train of emotions,

Other working materials for III and IV grade students:

My happy apphabet

My top resolution for 2022

14. “Why are plants green?” Short description:

This is a didactic scenario I designed around a student-produced video Show your favourite experiment! Learners predict the topic of the video based on some screenshots, watch the video, fill in a video observation worksheet based on a media and language checklist, turn into language detectives to identify language structures related to explaining and presenting experiments, write comments and hashtags after watching the video, engage in a critical reading activity, write a short catchy video introduction, discuss the importance of a storyboard before filming, rewrite the storyboard. Finally, they reflect on the lesson and are encouraged to create their own video to show and explain their favourite experiment.

created by Armanda Stroia, teacher at Avram Iancu Secondary School, Dej Romania

Technology lesson

15. Leson for VI grade students about buildings’  functionality, structural type and urbanistic concepts on technologies.

Urbanistic view on buildings

-proposed by Daniela Herineanu, technology teacher at Avram Iancu Gymnasium, Dej, Romania

Orthodox religion

16. Lesson scenario: Romanian medieval rulers on Dej’s surrounding lands

Adina Silasi, teacher at “Avram Iancu” Secondary School

General Key competences:

CG1. Using specific concepts to orthodox religion, connected with different faith manifestation;

Specific competences:

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

C1: Identify historic personalities (medieval rulers) with important contribution to national identity and cultural heritage in Dej region;

C2: Describe historic events, orthodox places of worship and other historic and religious objectives;

C3: To formulate moral achievements from this lesson;

C4: To make an audition and to learn a patriotic song using music knowledge;

16. Let’s be generous!

III-rd grade lesson on civic education

Leson aim:

Obtaining progress on   moral judgement, improving positive behaviours, reaching personal development trough interpersonal connections, lerarning to learn skills.

Lesson created by Anca Repede, teacher for primary education at Avram Iancu Secondary School, Dej Romania

English lesson- Özel Merisn Uğur OkulLarı


Learning outcomes: Students will be able to express quantities and use them in their daily lives.

Students will be asked to say the quantity of things around them in the classroom.

          SANİYE PEKER – English Teacher at Özel Merisn Uğur OkulLarı

History lesson



The Guardian announced in 2008 that a new acheologic site stunned the achaeologists. Göbeklitepe, which also affected the history of religions, is the first known center of worship.

Mathematics lesson

19. My money

Mathematics lesson on: natural numbers

OUTCOMES: Solves and sets up problems that require operations with natural numbers

INTERMEDIATE DISCIPLINE: Developing Career Awareness

GAINS: Identifies appropriate goals that require spending money; he spends his money appropriately by prioritizing

TEACHING AND LEARNING PROCESS involves  HISTORY OF MONEY Exchange; precious metals; banknotes.

Lesson proposed by  ………..teacher at Özel Merisn Uğur OkulLarı

27 Siberian Exiles High School in Lublin, computer sciences

20. Macro registering and running macros in the spreadsheet.

Lesson’s goals: systematising the main concepts concerning the basics of working with macros in a spreadsheet, practising the skill of creating a new macro, assigning it to the keyboard and recording it.

Lesson for high school, grade 3 students, created by Anna Jezierska, technology teacher

Computer sciences

21. Computer parameters

Lesson destined to students from the first hogh-school grade, proposed by Anna Jezierska,  computer sciences teacher to 27 Siberian Exiles High School in Lublin, Poland.

Aims of the lesson: reminder and discussion of the elements of the basic computer set; systematization of information regarding the purpose and parameters of individual components in computers and external devices

English lesson

22. We are planning our vacation

Subject: English,   Class: First, High school

General objective: Testing the ability to obtain and provide information and negotiate in typical situations.

Specific objectives:

  1. The student knows simple lexical and grammatical structures that enable the formulation of statements on specific topics
  2. The student is able to communicate in situations related to tourism, geography and culture of English-speaking countries
  3. The student demonstrates the ability to react linguistically using various forms of simple oral statements
  4. The student knows the rules of constructing short forms of written expression (postcard, e-mail, blog)
  5. The student is able to define the situational context of the listened text
  6. The student demonstrates the ability to determine whether the heard text contains certain information

By Małgorzata Wrona English teacher at  XXVII LO im. Zesłańców Sybiru in Lublin

German vocabulary lesson

23. German voccabulary lesson:  Unser Schulalltag
General objective: – revision of the information on the Unser Schulalltag section
Detailed objectives – Student: • knows the names of school subjects;

• knows the names of school supplies;

• knows the colors;

• they know the rules for creating compound nouns;• knows the rules of using the negative kein / e,

• knows the rules of creating the accusative in German,

• knows the conjugation of the verb mögen and finden.

By Elżbieta Ciesielska teacher in XXVII LO im. Zesłańców Sybiru in Lublin

German language lesson

24. Lesson scenario
Theme: Leben in der Stadt – life in the city.
General goals:
– developing correct writing skills;
– developing the ability to correctly formulate oral statements;
– developing the ability to work independently;
– developing work skills in the classroom;
– training the ability to work in groups.

By Elżbieta Ciesielska teacher at XXVII LO im. Zesłańców Sybiru in Lublin

Biology lessons, Avram Iancu Secondary School

25. Circulatory system anatomy, the heart 

Biology lesson for six grade students proposed by Cristina Dascălu, teacher at ”Avram Iancu” Gymnasium, Dej, Romania. The lesson involves many educational application conceived on learningapps, worldwall, and jigsawplanet.

26. The forest

Biology lesson for five grade students, created by Cristina Dascălu, teacher at Avram Iancu Secondary School, Dej, Romania. The forest is one of the most important terestrial ecosystem. Let’s learn about it!

Maternal language and communication

27. Theatrical Pieces. The art of theatric performances

Lesson for Romanian language and communication, for eight grade students,  created by Nicoleta Varga, teacher at Avram Iancu Secondary School,  Dej, Romania.

28. LESSON SCENARIO: The dramatic text. Textual structures

Specific competences:

1.2 the documented presentation of a theme, by quoting the information sources, within an argumentative text of different type of texts (descriptive/ explanatory text);

2.2 the comparation of least two texts regarding theme, ideas and structure;

Operational objectives:

  • to define dramatic text;
  • to name the particularities of dramatic text;
  • to identify the particularities of dramatic text;

Teacher: Lador Iulia

„Wonder“ by R.J. Palacio

29. Wonder by R.J. Palacio / Chose to be good!

Maternal language and communication proposed by Nicoleta Varga, maternal language and communication  teacher at “Avram Iancu” Secondary School, Dej, Romania.

Cultural expresion is a key competence that every one of us must permanently develop. The interest on culture, the thirst for knowledge, the ability to desciphre moral values, personal values and cultural values, we must cultivate on our children during early school years.

English lesson on local Geography

30. Places without which Dej wouldn`t be Dej 

For this school year, at the 6th grade I chose the optional class Let’s travel. I asked myself how well do they know their city. Starting from this question I challenged my students to ‘travel’ through Dej and speak about places without which Dej wouldn’t be Dej.

Material proposed by Laura Campean, English teacher at Avram Iancu Secondary School, Dej Romania.

Physical education lesson for primary

31. Lesson scenario ”Improving speed, learning ball guidance”

Physical education teacher, Adrian Baciu

”Avram Iancu” Secondary School, Dej, Romania

Lesson’s thematic:

  • first thematic: the speed,

Objective: Improving execution speed and movement on short distances speed.

  • second thematic: guiding the ball,

Objective: consolidating ball guidance by foot with accent on ball control according to field obstacles.

Mustafa Kemal Ortaokulu

32. English lesson for eight grade students

By the end of the course, students will learn the unknown words which are used in the reading passage, Witches’ Loaves.

The students will be able to: use the words that are taught with the help of activities in their daily life; to pronounce the words correctly.

By Özge Yörük, teacher at Bagcilar Mustafa Kemal Ortaokulu, Istanbul, Turcia

33. English lesson for 11-12 years old students

       Skill focus: Teaching vocabulary with the help of the poem, Two Funny Little Red Apples.

      Learner Outcomes By the end of the lesson students should be able to know the meanings of some adjectives such as funny, cold, kind, pretty, clean;  to describe the pictures and match them with the phrases; to reorder sentences in accordance with the poem.

By Özge Yörük, teacher at Bagcilar Mustafa Kemal Ortaokulu, Istanbul, Turcia

34. English lesson for young learners, elementary level

By the end of the course, students can make comparison between two things such as people, animals and objects.

The students will be able to: use the comparative forms of adjectives (regular), to make comparative sentences, to say differences between two items by using comparatives.

By Özge Yörük, teacher at Bagcilar Mustafa Kemal Ortaokulu, Istanbul, Turcia

35. English lesson on reading skills for 14/15 years old students

Skill Focus: Reading and Speaking

Language Focus: Simple Present Tense, Comperatives and Superlatives, Model Verb, can, Passive Voice.

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: recall the structures, learn new vocabularies, equator, uproot, label, mudslide, make sentences by using the structures while speaking,

By Özge Yörük, teacher at Bagcilar Mustafa Kemal Ortaokulu, Istanbul, Turcia

36. English lesson for young learners, 5/6 years old

      AIMS: to teach students new words and their pronunciations, to provide students respond physically, to get students involved in lesson, to found an enjoyable atmosphere for students, to improve their oral skills.

     ACTIVITIES: teaching new action verbs by using flashcards, practicing them, (students will repeat the new words and do these actions.), listening and watching a video, (Walking Walking), singing Walking Walking song by doing appropriate movements.

By Özge Yörük, teacher at Bagcilar Mustafa Kemal Ortaokulu, Istanbul,

37. English lesson on hobies and interest, destined for 12 years old students

Learners will be able to: express their likes and dislikes, understand the diffrences among them in terms of degree, make production about their hobbies and interests using like and dislike pattern.

AIMS: the aim of this lesson is to teach asking for and expressing students’ likes and dislikes; the aim of activity 1 is to improve student’s comprehension of reading for the gist and find some specific information about this unit.

By Özge Yörük, teacher at Bagcilar Mustafa Kemal Ortaokulu, Istanbul

38. Reading lesson on Earth Science “Pangaea” text for 11/12 years old students

        Overall Objectives: students will gain authentic information through the text, students will become aware of their reading and speaking abilities,  students will learn reading for general and specific information about the topic, students wil develop their speaking ability by talking with their partners.

     Behavioral Objectives Students will: discuss and share their ideas about the reading passages, Pangaea, fill in the blanks with the correct answer, answer the questions about comprehension, make sentences using words which is thought as unknown ones.

By Özge Yörük, teacher at Bagcilar Mustafa Kemal Ortaokulu, Istanbul

ICS Salvatore Casella, Pedara, Ilaly

39. Cristopher Columbus

A corss-curricular lesson, involving history and geography, about the personality of Columbus, famous navigator, born in Genoa.

Lesson proposed by prof. Martina Asero, ICS ”Salvatore Casella”, Pedara, Italy

Geometry lesson

40. The pyramid

A lesson on Geometry, explaining the elements of a pyramid, giving examples of regural and iregular pyramids, calculating pyramid elements with specific formulas. The original material was created wit Pear Deck extention for google slides.

Teacher: Maria Stella Bolignano

School: I.C.S. “S. Casella” Pedara, Italy

Science lesson

41. Lesson Scenario: Let’s investigate on pH

by Maria Stella Bolignano, science teacher

Students  show interest in the topic related to chemistry through curiosity and expression of wonderings. They also demonstrate engagement by expressing ideas, sharing observations, and creating initial models.

Once students have constructed explanations of a phenomenon, it is important to involve them in further experiences that apply, extend,  the concepts or  processes,  they are learning.  Elaborate activities provide time for students to apply their understanding of concepts and skills.

Geography and science lesson

42. The wonder of Etna

A lesson on science, explaining spectacular aspects of mount  Etna. You will find new things about Europe’s largest active volcano, you will develop voccabulary skills on the structure of the volcano, about it’s four craters and about the biggest erruptions mentioned in local and central press.

Lesson proposed by Grazziela Moschetto, I.C.S “S. Casella”, Pedara, Italy

43. Lesson scenario: „Natural Systems and human-nature relations”


Lesson type: knowledge consolidation;

TeacherYeliz SAHIN– teacher for SECONDARY SCHOOL, “Ozel Mersin Ugur Okullari” Mersin/TURKIYE

Lesson description:

During the lesson implementation, 9th grade students perceieve how the systems work in nature in harmony ,their relations with humans and they worked in pairs to work out the reasons why these miraculous systems work without any fails.

Key words: nature,systems,disasters,eco,soil,water,seasons, photosynthesis

Didactic scenario  ,,  The water”

Teacher for primary education : Galu Aida, ”Avram Iancu” Secondary School, Dej, Romania

This lesson was conceived for second grade students, at environment exploration and mathematics subject.

Lesson argument:

Lesson’s added value consist in  addopting an integrated vision of pedagigical approaches, involving digital instruments for the developement of  today’s students and tommorow’s adults of European space and for beeing competitive into digital era.

The lesson contains various methods and techniques of e-learning in order to obtain more attractive and creative lessons aiming to improve students’ involvement and motivation.

Lesson scenario: Problems that may be solved with the four basic operations 

 Frentiu Irina Dorina, “Avram Iancu” Secondary School, Dej, Romania

General competences:


  1. Calculating vith natural numbers;
  2. Solving problems regarding familiar situations;

Specific competences: 

-making additions and substractions with numbers from 0 to 1 000 000 and with fractions;

– making multiplications with numbers from 1 to 1 000 000 when the second factor has maximum three figures;

-dividing numbers from 0 to 1 000 000 to one or two figures numbers;

-the implementation of specific therms and symboll in solving or conceiving problems with various methods;

-solving problems with the four basic operations using numbers from 0 to 1 000 000.


Съдържанието на ПОСОЧЕНИЯ ПО ДОЛУ уебсайт е създадено в проект за международно сътрудничество в рамките на програмата Еразъм+. Учителите от училища в европейското пространство положиха общи усилия, за да доближат регионалния контекст до училищната програма.

Образователните системи и всички образователни политики имат за обща основа; урокът, поддържан от обучени учители по различни предмети към хомогенни учебни групи за възрастта, известни като училищни оценки. Този прост аспект ни води до заключението, че за да постигнем ефективна трансформация, трябва да действаме на ниво урок. В крайна сметка, в по-широк смисъл, урокът означава дидактическа стъпка, създадена за постигане на няколко оперативни цели и за придобиване на някои компетенции чрез специфични дейности, използващи различни дидактически методи и дидактически средства. Това определение е според договора на Константин Кукош „Педагогика“, отпечатан от издателство Polirom през 2014 г. (стр. 356).

В днешно време реалността изисква прилагането на дидактически дигитални инструменти, за да се доближи училищната дейност до вселената на учениците. Нашият материал предлага широк набор от дигитални инструменти за преподаване, които могат да се прилагат по време на всички моменти на урока, като например: Mentimeter, WorldWall, Kahoot, PearDeck, JamBoard, герои Voki, колекции от образователни документални филми в YouTube, Canva, приложения за обучение, Quizizz, Jigsawplanet . Разбира се, още веднъж правилната доза цифрови инструменти е от съществено значение. Нашите читатели имат възможност да експериментират внедряването на цифрови инструменти, за да решат правилното имплементиране в класове.

Материалите, хоствани на този уебсайт, са създадени по време на изпълнението на Стратегическо партньорство за училищата: „Разработване на образователни техники, като се започне от регионален контекст“, 2019-1-RO01-KA201-063189. Домейнът също така хоства материалите, създадени по време на изпълнението на друг проект по Еразъм+, осъществен между партньори по проекта през 2016-2018 г. Като се има предвид факта, че този проект е по-нататъшно развитие на сътрудничество, установено през 2016 г., и представлява приемственост на идеи за управление, партньорските училища решиха, че е по-лесно да рекламират нови материали на вече познат уебсайт, като правят правилно разделение между съдържанието и периодите на разработка .





BULGARIAN TRADITIONAL SONGS WITH SONGS COLLECTIONS Geography lesson Maths -5 th grade -ENGLISH-new Maths_5_gr_BG Nature and animals